No Other Water is WHET. tm

Get WHET America!

1. WHET Ingredients: Spring Water.  Pure Compare "municipal tap" waters and soda pop makers, Aquafina (PepsiCo) and Dasani (Coca-Cola).  DASANI ingredients: "Purified [Tap] Water, Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium Chloride, Salt."  WHET has no added salt or sugar, as intended.

2.  Mineral Rich, Great Taste.  WHET has 2x natural calcium of Fiji.*  Click here to read about why WHET purity was chosen by NASA.  Tastes like water.

3.  Get WHET America.  Bottled at the source in Hot Springs, USA.  No reason to drink foreign Fiji and Evian.  Premium water from the USA, WHET Country.

WHET. (tr. v.) "whet·ted, whet·ting, whets.  1. To rub something by grinding or friction, for the purpose of sharpening; to hone. 2. To stimulate, urge on; to excite.

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WHET Water Spring Water

  WHET Water

Quality, Since the
Beginning of Time

Don't take our word for it.  The following is an excerpt from the United States Hot Springs National Park Official Website, as of July, 2008.  Read on....

"The hot springs are a special natural resource.  ... The pure tasting and orderless water of Hot Springs National Park has long been considered among the country's best. ...

Water is what attracts people to Hot Springs.  In fact they have been coming here since the first person stumbled upon these springs perhaps 10,000 years ago. Stone artifacts found in the park give evidence that Indians knew and used the hot springs. For them the area was a neutral ground where different tribes came to hunt, trade and bathe in peace.  Surely they drank the spring waters too, for they found the waters with minerals and gases have a pleasant taste and smell.  These traces of minerals, combined with a temperature of 143° F, are credited with giving the waters whatever therapeutic properties they may have. ... Besides determining the chemicals composition and origins of the waters, scientists have determined that the waters gushing from the hot springs are more than 4,000 years old.  And the waters gush at an average rate of 850,000 gallons a day.

The most important thing about Hot Springs' thermal water is that it is sterile. For this reason the National Aeronautics and Space Administration chose this water, among others, in which to hold the moon rocks while looking for signs of life.  Even during the many early years that the springs were uncovered, the absence of bacteria in the water helped prevent the spread of disease. ...

In the past the baths were taken as a therapeutic treatment for rheumatism and other ailments."

* Source:

This is exactly why you need to GET WHET!  There is a difference from your tap water and the soda pop makers of AquaFina and Dasani that merely re-filter water, such as you can get from your home tap.  That is why their waters are so inexpensive.  They can just turn on the spigot, and sell it to you.  Our water is a superior natural product, as intended, thousands of years ago.

Here is some additional information for inquisitive minds from the United States Hot Springs National Park Official Website, as of July, 2008.  Again, their words, not ours...

The words "hot springs" often conjure up images of volcanoes, geysers, and underground chambers of molton rock or magma, and usually these features are found associated with hot springs.

But in this area, the earth is relatively quiet.  There is no evidence of magma lying close below the earth's surface to heat underground water.  Instead geologists believe that just the right combination of rock types and old faults exists here to permit water to percolate deep, where it is heated by surrounding rock.

Carbon - 14 dating methods and the measurement of tritium (an isotope of hydrogen) show that the hot springs water began as rainwater which fell over 4,000 years ago.

Two rock types in the area, Bigfork Chert and Arkansas Novaculite, act like giant sponges, they are porous or highly fractured. Lying in tilted layers, these rocks absorb the rain and conduct it slowly downward to a great depth.  The water travels downward for nearly 4,000 years to depths between 2,000 and 8,000 feet.

A natural thermal gradient heats the water, the deeper into the earth it travels, the hotter it gets.  Heat is supplied from the radioactive breakdown of particles found throughout the Earth's crust.

At great depth the heated water comes into contact with cracks and faults within the Hot Springs Sandstone.  These cracks bring the water quickly, in about a year, back up to emerge as hot springs on the slope of Hot Springs Mountain.  The water retains most of its heat during this relatively upward journey and arrives at the surface at an average temperature of 143 degrees Fahrenheit.


In an arc from the northwest around to the east, outcroppings of Bigfork Chert and Arkansas Novaculite absorb rainfall. The pores and fractures in the rocks conduct the water deep into the Earth.  As the water percolates downward, the increasingly warmer rock heats it, and filters out the impurities. In the process the water dissolves minerals in the rocks. Eventually the water meets the faults and joints in the Hot Springs Sandstone leading up to the lower west side of Hot Springs Mountain where it flows to the surface.

* Source:

There is no reason to pay more for foreign water!  The United States has been making it perfect, exactly as intended, for thousands of years!  The United State of America is WHET Country!


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WHET Water Co., 2585 Washington Road, Suite 134, Pittsburgh, PA  15241

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No other water is WHET, Make it WHET, etc.are trademarks of WHET Water, LLC and/or its licensors. 

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* Twice the Calcium of Fiji according to Fiji representations of 17 mg/L versus WHET of 39 mg/L analysis.  Fiji is a trademark of Fiji Water Company, LLC; Dasani is a trademark of the Coca-Cola Company, Evian is a product of Danone Waters of America, Inc., AquaFina is a trademark of PepsiCo, Inc, none of which are affiliated with WHET.