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Technology & Entrepreneurial
Ventures Law Group, P.C.

We Represent the Entrepreneurial Spirit

  The Entrepreneurial Spirit ®
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Facebook Instant Personalization

Facebook Implements New Privacy Settings.  The new settings default to a release of your personal information.


Facebook has released a new "privacy" option called, "Instant Personalization," that is automatically enabled.  If you want Instant Personalization, do nothing.  If you want to disable "Instant Personalization," do the following:

  1. Log into your Facebook account

  2. At top right-side of page, you will see a menu, called "Account" with a down pointer triangle.

  3. Click the word, "Account," slide down to "Privacy Settings" and select "Privacy Settings"

  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the "Privacy Settings" page

  5. You should see "Apps and Websites" at bottom of the page, under which you should see an "Edit your settings" link that is slightly highlighted as an available link to click: click this "Edit your settings" link

  6. You should be on a page, entitled: "Choose Your Privacy Settings: Apps, Games and Websites"

  7. Again, scroll down on this page; on the left side, you should see, "Instant Personalization"

  8. Click the "Instant Personalization" related "Edit Settings" button

  9. Facebook will now show a very large happy face video available for watching.  Watch the video and/or click "Close"

  10. After closing the superimposed video, again, scroll down and you should see a check box, "Enable instant personalization on partner websites"; if you do NOT want "Instant Personalization" UNCHECK the box. 

  11. There will be a pop-up "Confirmation" box displayed; click "Confirm" button.  It may take a minute to process.

In securing the only known judgment against Google for trespass, our law firm is committed to assisting people with the option to protect and preserve their property and privacy rights.  Read more at GoogleTrespass.com.

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